Vistario Amidst the desolate soil We heard the repeating cries of a fragment of metal So True to Magnus' orders I take my company's reins, onto the surface we settle And as we branch out and explore the wreckage We uncover a terminal's long-lost message A visage of the past and of beautiful cities So what has occurred here, what are we missing? There is something wrong here, there is something hidden With every second growing closer, I feel it near me! My mind shudders, why does my heart race? A psychic scream, like a crushing weight Resounding in every corner of the world: "The Ancient awaits!" Enwrapped in grief and beset by pain It bides its time, all it does is wait We shoulder the hardship now and we endure And to its source, we'll trace The sight before my eyes is stark A Dreadnought here, bearing the Emperor's Children's mark Unexpectedly, it interjects with pointed thoughts Awake once more, energy arcs Across its words now, demanding to know Are we standing here gathered as friend or foe? Its shattered form yet still poses a threat to us all It shall not be deceived, nor ignored I speak in half-truths to not invite alarm Rylanor I see through your words, and I am not disarmed We had learned from Him to hold to truth with every breath V The wrong word here may mean death R Even your words may be twisted and turned into weapons V There is danger here, with every phrase now it beckons V I would know the name of he who has me in his sights R I am he who remembers, the Ancient of Rites! Vistario All at once, the pieces come together in my mind This place was Istvaan III! And we are here upon its corpse On the grave that was left behind! Rylanor Would you convince yourself I am a remnant seeking saving? This was not a cry for help! This was a lure I laid to invite something in need of slaying Fulgrim Was this trap set for me, old one of mine? You look terrible - a disgrace, even Rylanor At last, Fulgrim, you have come to me, abomination Fulgrim Words uttered by a shattered pile of metal, rust and stagnation? You've had millennia to think of what to tell me, you've my attention Rylanor I need not glory nor for words to speak When I have held A Virus Bomb! (Fulgrim: No!) Vistario Reaching out, my Raptorae uses his mind to hold the pace, to silence time I channel him all of the strength I have, his power desperately relying on mine And from my peripheral sight, I can no longer see that frail shell, devoid of its might But rather a righteous being of defiance Who is not without the will to fight! I watch the Dreadnought lash out in wrath His blows deflected away from their path Despite the years he has endured It's clear that he will live and he will die by the sword Fulgrim then returned a strike His sword slitting through bravado and machine alike His face a mix of contempt and glee The eyes of one who can feed off misery! Rylanor You can never be forgiven for the things that you've done And so it falls to my hands to end the prodigal son Fulgrim You cannot imagine the beautiful bounty of Chaos Rylanor Those things I'd never even wish to know! Fulgrim There is still your potential that shines through Imagine the unfulfilled glories we'd see to Rylanor That you still think I seek any glory Betrays the True blindness that has overcome you I recall the virtues I stood for I recall the struggles and the things that we have done! I will not be deterred from my vengeance I remember the lessons passed on to the Sons! I am one of the Emperor's Children I am Rylanor and I am the Ancient of Rites! So I reject you for now and for always! To strike you down I have waited for a million nights Vistario Inspired by the things I've heard I raise my voice and shout clearly and out of turn Rylanor deserves better than you, oh Primarch Rylanor deserves better than all of us! With but a single shot, the Raptorae is relieved of duty and released of his task I feel the virus rend me apart, with my honour intact As I'm enveloped by the encroaching flash Fulgrim Although this body of mine's still intact A part of my pride, I fear, will never come back

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